Jaquard loom and Fiamma di Perugia
Giuditta Brozzetti Museum and handweaving workshop

The Museum workshop is also home to seven original 18th century Jaquard looms (patented by Vincenzi in 1836) which are used to make faithful reproductions of Tovaglie Perugine (Perugian tablecloths) and Medieval and Renaissance damasks. The Jaquard loom was invented in 1801 by Joseph-Marie Jacquard and its use revolutionized the textile industry. The Enciclopedia Grolier asserts that the Jaquard loom constituted the first use of “punched cards” with a binary system meaning this loom can be defined as the first computer in history.
The workshop also houses a marvellous 19th century “liccetti” loom (this uses a very complex technique predating the Jaquard) donated by the Millucci family; we’ve also made room for a 17th century double warped loom which was used to weave the famous Perugian “fiammato” (flamed) fabric.